Ryedale chimney sweep says Mary Poppins star Dick Van Dyke has 'made my job glamorous'

Chimney sweep Greg White.Chimney sweep Greg White.
Chimney sweep Greg White.
A Ryedale chimney sweep has thanked Dick Van Dyke for making the job 'glamorous' and says Mary Poppins is mentioned constantly.

Greg White, 59, feels "grateful" to the iconic character for transforming chimney sweeping into something “quirky”.

He'll even whistle ‘chim chimney’ while he sweeps and loves his job.

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Greg, from Ryedale, finds all sorts up chimneys, including 15 dead jackdaws, a hammer and bits of timber.

Greg, who is also North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for environment, said: "It's a really nice job.

"You get grubby.

"I'm forever grateful to Dick Van Dyke.

"Chimney sweeping seems a bit quirky because of him.

"He's an iconic character.

"Mary Poppins gets mentioned a couple of times a week."

Greg decided to learn to chimney sweep eight years ago after researching for a job that would give him an income at the end of the day.

He took a course through the National Association of Chimney Sweeps before setting up Cleansweep Chimney Sweeping - gaining clients and experience.

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Greg said: "I drive all over the Moors and see all the places.

"I can tell what's up the chimney from using the brush.

"I've found a hammer, a full length spirit level and bits of timber.

"I find birds nests.

"Once I found 15 jackdaws up one chimney.

"I laid them all out. It looked like a scene from Silent Witness."

Greg says he has to be careful to not disturb any live animals.

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He says his work is in high demand and he sweeps stoves as well as chimneys.

Greg says some chimney sweeps hate the association with Dick Van Dyke but it is one he embraces.

He said: "I whistle chim chimney to myself."

He charges £50 to clear a chimney - for just under an hour’s work.

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