Letter: Quakers laid Kitty to rest

Welcome addition and correction to article.Welcome addition and correction to article.
Welcome addition and correction to article.
Readers might like to know that since my article in last week's Scarborough News (February 22), Mr Peter Robson has sent in a welcome addition and correction to the legend and fate of 'Sarkless' Kitty, who was believed by locals to haunt a crossing of the river Dove.

Clearly, the popular version is far from the known truth. Kitty Garthwaite was born about 1760 and during her service at Dovecot farm became pregnant by Henry Longster, son of the house, and was dismissed. Later, her naked body and that of Henry were found in the river near Gillamoor mill. Because it was assumed that Kitty had been rejected by Henry and drowned herself, she was refused burial in consecrated ground. Only much later was it revealed that she in fact had been interred in an unmarked Quaker grave at Lowna.

How and why she and her lover met their deaths remain secrets to this day.

Dr Jack Binns

Chatsworth GardensScarborough