Letter: Support from business is invaluable

Lifeboat needs business support.Lifeboat needs business support.
Lifeboat needs business support.
On behalf of the RNLI, Gladys Freeman, chairman of Scarborough Ladies Lifeboat Guild, and the committee would like to thank the following businesses for their most generous support throughout the year.

All the following are local people who appreciate the necessity of our fundraising and without their constant help we wouldn’t be able to raise the amount we do: Proudfoot, Boyes Stores, Cosmatic, Louise Florist, Palm Court, Park Manor, Raven Hall Hotel, Royal Hotel, Red Lea Hotel, and the numerous small hotels and shops who help with our collection boxes.

May we wish you all a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Gladys Freeman,

Scarborough Ladies

Lifeboat Guild

Seacliff Crescent


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