Wanda Maciuszko who organised the vigilWanda Maciuszko who organised the vigil
Wanda Maciuszko who organised the vigil

IN PICTURES: Scarborough holds candlelit vigil to show support for Ukraine

A vigil of support for Ukraine has been held in Peasholm Park in the wake of the ongoing hostilities in the country.

The vigil was organised by Scarborough resident Wanda Maciuszko. She said: “There is a march being organised in York but I thought something needed to be done in Scarborough.”

People bought battery operated candles and joined together to show support for the people of the Ukraine.

Scarborough joined with a host of towns and cities across the globe who have held vigils for Ukraine including Paris, Hanover, Sydney and New York.

Guy Emmett, headteacher of Scarborough College which is home to several Ukrainian students, said: “We asked our students and they wanted to be there.

“I know a candle might appear to do little to help.

“The evening meant more than you know for them and of course for our Ukrainian pupils.

“Silence and being by their side said so much.

“People are doing great things and from our Ukrainian students and their families, thank you.

“Words/prayers of kindness and showing how we are feeling about this war meant they felt supported and loved.

“A family from Ukraine contacted me to say thank you. They could not be next to their daughter but are pleased she is safe here and surrounded by a community that is by their side.

“A light of human kindness shone bright enough to be seen in their beautiful country and reached the hearts of their families.”